Monday, April 28, 2008

Recently I've been thinking a lot about the journey I've made to get to where I am today. Lots of things have happened to me along the way (most of the things that have happened to me have been my fault. We create a lot of our own problems, I think), and with every conflict I have changed somehow. My thought patterns and ways in which I interact with the world have evolved, have shifted somehow.

I like to think of my life as in constant flux, never settled, never finished, always striving for change and more. That being said, it's not easy. I have changed a lot in my particular worldview a lot over the past few years especially, and I wonder if everyone goes through the same things I am or if I just think too much.

Putting it more directly, I wonder if everyone goes through many different evolutions of thinking about life. I know I personally have gone through the phases of realism, romanticism, modernism, and now I feel like I'm stepping out into post-modernism. What's next, I do not know. Does everyone go through life like that?

I feel like maybe in order to fully grow up and mature we have to go through many stages of thought which eventually bring us into the modern thought of our particular culture. For me, I trekked through fideism for years eventually leading me to the pinnacle in which I thought my particular beliefs should be impressed upon others, and I eventually lost my footing and got lost in relativism for a while. I'm starting to pick through the relativistic rubble and salvage it all, but for a while it was weird.

What do you think? Does everyone have to go through the pain of evolution of thought in order to reach contemporary or are some people born post-modern? Do some people never reach the end and just settle into some outdated model of thought? Where are we going next? I suppose only time will tell, but regardless I'm sure it will be fun to look back on posts like this in ten years and see how stupid I used to be.

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