Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pure Love...

So, on a slightly different note from the previous post today, I thought I would share a dream I had last night that I haven't been able to get out of my head all day. The details are a bit foggy and I have no idea what it means, but it is a cool concept.

So there was a small group of people, myself included, in a room with a pool. For some reason there was an evil creature in the room (think Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) who was attacking us. This creature ended up getting us all sucked into the middle of the pool and said to us all, "Unless you can fill your hearts with pure love, you'll never get out." So I tried to focus on nothing but love and compassion, but I was in the middle of being attacked in a pool by an evil creature, so of course I couldn't focus on pure love. Eventually, none of us got out of the pool and I'm pretty sure we all drowned.

Initially, I want to say that this is a metaphor for my spiritual life right now, but I can't be sure. The pool is samsara. Unless we all learn to stop focusing on the hustle and bustle of life and focus on nothing but loving each other, we're all destined to drown in life's busyness.


  1. My dreams about Shredder were a little different... hah!

    What a crazy dream...but yet so insightful!

  2. Oh, and that monster is probably none other than... yourself! Blessings, PaL

  3. nice. i like your second interpretation. i have been reading gandhi's writings on nonviolence and the core of it is ahimsa. worth checking out!

  4. so i've recently started some computer programming. now obviously computers don't think, they just do. they run programs- and these programs are just algorithms. for example, you tell a computer: if A is true then do B, or do A then B and then subtract C. the algorithms can be as short or as long as necessary until the computer reaches the desire output. if A is true then C is false so subtract B from X and then divide T by Y and if that is less than or equal to U then multiple by (J-K) if not then end program and report the output. scientists and programmers can come up with the most intricate algorithms to try and copy human reasoning, but they can never actually teach a computer to think or feel like us. what i'm getting at is that despite all the incredible technological advances in the past 15 years, and the ones that are soon to come, humans are still unable to create artificial life that is any more than just copies of ourselves (no greater, no lesser). basically mark, if you don't find prue love and defeat this monster, who the fuck will??
